Two Year Update From Melissa and Jeff

We just recently celebrated our 2nd anniversary and have to admit that we love married life. We are great complements to each other and make a great team. The love we share for each other grows every day. It feels like we can conquer anything together and it’s exciting to think about what the future holds for us. 

The most exciting prospect for us right now is the birth of our first child.  We are expecting a baby boy in August. It’s hard to describe our state of mind right now with a baby on the way.  It’s a mix of joy, excitement, uncertainty, humility, a little fear of the unknown, but it’s all good.  We’re both looking forward to raising this little guy.  Melissa can’t wait to have a new little man in the house and Jeff’s looking forward to teaching him how to play ball. 

We are ever grateful to The Wedding Pink by Cheryl Ungar Gives for getting our married lives together started in such a grand way.  Melissa’s bout with cancer was a challenging time, and the Wedding Pink was an uplifting experience during an otherwise disheartening time.  We think back to our wedding day often and have such fond memories of it. 

wedding-pink-recipientsMelissa + Jeff, recipients of The Wedding Pink-2011